At the 15th Beijing Hong Kong Economic Cooperation Symposium on October 21, Beijing Infrastructure Investment Co. Ltd as the owner and Hong Kong MTR and Beijing Capital Group as the investor signed a “MoM on Market Investment Operation in Beijing Metro During 12th 5-year Planning Period&rdquo. It is stipulated in the MoM that 660km new lines are planned to be constructed and opened by the end of the 12th 5-year planning period. The owner and the investor will cooperate in proper lines. MTR and BCG as the major investors will invest in lines in construction and new lines, their joint venture BJMTR will operate and manage these new lines. The specific investment and operation modes could be equity purchase + O&M Franchise and Concession operations or other mode agreed by the parties upon discussion and agreement of the 2 parties.
Beijing Metro Transport Intend to Enhance Market Operation