Forecast of Patronage of BJL4 & DXL and BJL14 West is about 15010K and 615K Respectively

During the Moon Festival (September 19 – 21) and the National Holidays (October 1 – 7), 10230 train trips are arranged for BJL4, DXL and BJL14 operated by BJMTR.

For the 3 days during Moon Festival, timetable for weekend will be applied.1668 train trips are arranged for BJL4 & DXL, the patronage of BJL4 is forecasted as 3788K with average daily figure at 1263K; Patronage at DXL is forecasted at 812K with daily average figure at 271K. 1116 train trips are arranged for BJL14. The total patronage is estimated at 187K and the average daily patronage is about 62K.

During the National Holidays, timetable for holidays will be applied from October 1 to October 5 and timetable for weekend will be applied from October 6 to October 7at BJL4 and DXL. 4842 train trips are arranged in these 7 days. The total patronage of BJL4 is estimated at 8732K with average daily patronage at 1247K; The total patronage of DXL is estimated at 1682K with average daily patronage at 240K. Timetable for weekend will be applied to BJL14, 2604 train trips are arranged. The total patronage is estimated at 428K with average daily patronage at 61K. BJMTR will monitor the passenger flow closely and add train trips to meet the demand when necessary.