BJMTR releases 2020-2021 Sustainability Report

On August 10, 2022, BJMTR releases the 2020-2021 Sustainability Report. This is the third sustainability report released by BJMTR. The report focuses on six topic recognized as " Safe Travel", " A Pleasant Urban Travel Space", " Illumination of Future for Employees", " A Harmonious and Inclusive Community", " Win-win Partnership" and " Environment Protection" to show the practice and effectiveness of BJMTR's fulfillment of social responsibilities in 2020-2021.

In the 2020-2021 Sustainability Report, distinguished from previous reports, ESG indicators have been newly added, that is, focusing on the actions and performance of BJMTR in environmental, social and governance. At the same time, braille is added to the core data page to take the reading experience of braille readers into account.