Experience the work of a "Metro Doctor" to uncover the story behind metro operations- BJMTR holds safety camp career experience activity

To enhance the understanding and support of adolescent passengers for safe and courteous metro travel, on April 20, BJMTR invites more than 70 middle school students to participate in the "BJMTR Safety Camp Metro Doctor" career experience activity. Through visiting the Majiapu depot and experiencing the work of metro maintenance, this event unveiled the mystery of metro and learned the stories behind the metro.

A relevant person in charge of BJMTR said that this "Metro Doctor" career experience activity allows students to enter the metro depot so that the students can comprehensively understand and learn about the metro, which will enhance the safety awareness of young people and children. In the future, we will continue to carry out the safety camp activities, and through a variety of safety promotion activities, provide young people and children with more opportunities to learn about metro knowledge and broaden their horizons and enhance the safety and courteous travel awareness of the passengers.