Total Patronage of BJMTR Operating Lines on CNY Holidays is 3.916 Million

In the 7 CNY holidays (February 18 – 24), the total patronage of BJMTR operating lines is 3.916 million, 7344 train trips are arranged. Timetable for CNY eve and weekend is applied at BJL4 & DXL, 3648 train trips are arranged, the punctuality is 100% and the timetable availability is 100%; Timetable for weekdays is applied at BJL14 West, 1876 train trips are arranged, the punctuality is 100% and the timetable availability is 100%; ; Timetable for weekday is applied at BJL14 East, 1820 train trips are arranged, the punctuality is 100% and the timetable availability is 100%. The operation of all BJMTR operating lines is smooth and orderly.