BJMTR Launches the First STEAM Education Project in Rail Transit — Kicking Off a Science Popularization Journey in Rail Transit

On July 3, 2024, BJMTR launched the first STEAM education project in rail transit, aimed at introducing young people to the world of science related to rail transportation. Leaders from the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport, the Fengtai District Science and Technology Information Bureau, the Beijing Municipal Administration Office for Social Education for Primary and Secondary School Students, BJMTR, along with STEAM education experts and school leaders, teachers, and students from Primary School Attached to Capital University of Economics and Business, Xicheng District Progress Primary School, Dongcheng District Huimin Primary School, and Chaoyang District ChuiYangLiu Central Primary School, attended the project launch meeting together.

BJMTR STEAM education project leverages the company's industry advantages by integrating expertise in metro vehicles, communications, signaling, electromechanical systems, and track engineering to independently develop the first STEAM education public welfare project in rail transit. This project includes various formats such as metro STEAM courses, simulation teaching aids for metro engineering, and popular science picture books about rail transit, aiming to introduce young people to knowledge in engineering and technology related to rail transportation. It enhances their understanding of the industry and fosters an interest in and exploratory spirit toward rail transit from an early age.

The general manager of BJMTR Frank Liu stated, “This year marks the 15th anniversary of the opening of the first line of BJMTR and the 45th anniversary of the MTR. The MTR has a long-standing commitment and rich experience in youth education and community engagement. Over the years, BJMTR has drawn on the MTR’s experience while leveraging its own industry advantages to continuously invest resources and create opportunities for young people's learning and growth. For example, we have been running the BJMTR Safety Camp project for a long time to enhance youth awareness of safe travel. With the launch of the BJMTR STEAM education project, we hope to integrate specialized knowledge in rail transit engineering and technology with interdisciplinary educational concepts, helping young people gain a deeper understanding of the rail transit industry. After the project is officially launched, we will collaborate with more institutions, schools, and communities to promote this project, enabling more young people to learn about rail transit and pay attention to urban transportation development.”

Li Gongke, Chief Engineer of the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport, stated, “In recent years, the rail transit industry has developed rapidly. By the end of 2023, the total route length of Beijing's rail transit has reached 836 kilometers, making the metro an indispensable mode of transportation in people's daily lives. As a rail transit operator, BJMTR's launch of the STEAM education project will help more young people understand rail transit and ignite their interest, leading to greater attention and involvement in the development of rail transit and urban transportation as a whole.”

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